The MS Register explainer

The creation of an explainer animation on the MS Register, a study designed to create a better understanding of multiple sclerosis.

The MS Society is the leading charity for people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). The charity works across the UK to provide support, news, information and research, with the ultimate goal to find treatments for everyone with MS. The MS Society funds the MS Register, a ground-breaking study designed to increase the understanding of those living with MS in the UK.

As part of the MS Society’s yearly Christmas campaign, focused on increasing awareness of the MS Register, an explainer video was needed for people to easily understand what the MS Register is and how it works. This animation would sit alongside the Christmas campaign but also act as an ongoing piece of content for spreading awareness and encouraging others to take part. 

Leveraging the MS Society's existing illustration and animation style, the visuals aimed to create a warm and inviting view of the MS Register. The key idea was to bring the behind the scenes data to life and show the connection between the researchers and the people living with MS, all working together to create a bigger picture of MS.


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